Some Bits and Way Too Many Pieces
I opened the proverbial can of worms today. But it's okay because I am so excited for the adventure!! I decided the girls finally needed a bunk bed. I am not a lover of bunk beds, but my hands are tied, similarly to when our family necessitated a mini-van. So I needed to refinish the bunk bed, which meant, I needed to refinish the dressers. But then I decided Hudson's dresser was bigger so the girls should have that one. But I can't let Hudson have Annie's dresser because it's pink. So I better redo her dresser for him. And then, I suppose his bed will have to match, but I think I am going to switch beds for him too. That one is pink so I better redo it. And then I thought, I need the rooms to match so I better paint both of those as well. Are you tired of being in my head yet?! Since I have so much time on my hands with all of Gracie's doctor visits and school volunteering and church and coaching soccer and teaching piano and not feeling so great and just being a mom and a wife, I thought, sure let's redo upstairs. I've got time! That's a great idea! Oh, my! So her is the beginning of the story of how Will and Jessica refinished 3 beds, 2 dressers and 2 bedrooms. Here's hoping it doesn't end with…and then she died.