The Great Egg Hunt

We decided to do our own Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddos this year. In the end, I think we hid over 200 eggs. Unfortunately, the rain got the better of the day so we did an indoor hunt instead. The kids didn't have any problem finding the eggs, but since there were so many hidden it still took some time.

We had a few rousing rounds of sack races followed by egg and balloon relays. It was so fun to watch because the kids had never done any of the activities before. (We were so sidetracked having fun that we actually didn't get many pictures.)

I think the kids mostly just enjoyed their spoils. A few of the little ones stopped their hunt after one or two eggs, realizing there were goodies on the inside. There is nothing like taking egg shots full of jellybeans. Yes, I loaded all the kids up on sugar and then sent them home…I know, not very nice, but very fun!!