Don’t Let the Flag Stray too Far!
We went to La Jolla on Saturday for a ward activity. They said look for the umbrellas. Consequently…we never found them. We found plenty of umbrellas, but no ward members. Will almost didn't find us either.
La Jolla is a popular spot for tourists and all of the university kids. Parking is near impossible so Will kicked Hudson and I out and said, "Whatever you do, don't stray more than 100 feet from the flag." Simple enough instruction. He never said anything about not letting the flag stray from us! I knew we could make it down the beach and back before Will found parking so we ventured off. We were about a city block away from the flag when I decided we had better turn around. I look back and no flag. I wondered how far we had really gone if I couldn't see the flag. I remembered the lifeguard tower the flag was by and started to head back and then stopped. Turning back around, clearly confused, I see the flag about 100 feet from were I was standing-in front of me. I would have wondered what kind of hallucinogens Will had dropped in my cereal that morning except I noticed the lifeguards shoveling sand to hold the flag in place. I think the lifeguards get bored and move the flags at random.
Alas, the following frantic "in my head" conversation followed. Do I meet Will where the flag used to be by the lifeguard tower or a block down where it is now located? Maybe I should try for somewhere in between. Or maybe…I shouldn't worry about finding him and just go play with Hudson(extreme guilt accompaniment). He will eventually find us.
Lucky for me I happened to glance back and spot him during my internal struggle. Note to self: movable landmarks should be avoided at all costs…especially when the landscape looks the same in both directions!!